
Showing all 7 results

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    Beef Tikka

    Rated 0 out of 5
    33.00 AED

    Grilled beef with spring onion, sesame seed, served with spicy sauce

    calories:247 protein:51.2g carbs:0.8g fat:2.2g fiber:0.6g.

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    Chicken Oats

    Rated 0 out of 5
    34.00 AED

    Chicken with Oats, Salt, Pepper, Lemon Juice Honey mustard and sweet corn.

    Calories: 234 protein: 34.2g carbs: 18.8g fat: 2.5g fiber: 2.2g.

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    Chicken Tikka

    Rated 0 out of 5
    29.00 AED

    Chicken, Salt, Pepper, Lemon Juice, Honey mustard and sweet corn.
    Calories: 234 protein: 34.2g carbs: 18.8g fat: 2.5g fiber: 2.2g.

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    Rated 0 out of 5
    33.00 AED

    Edamame with spicy chili sauce. calories: 318 protein:23.65g carbs:19.54g fat:18.76g fiber:9.7g.

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    Rated 0 out of 5
    24.00 AED

    Calories:392 protein:9g carbs:25g fat:19g fiber:6g.

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    Roasted Potato

    Rated 0 out of 5
    15.00 AED

    Cal 132,  protein 2.4g,  fat 2.8g , carbs 26.4g, fiber 1g

    150 G

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    Taco Veg.

    Rated 0 out of 5
    35.00 AED

    Iceberg, avocado, coriander, fresh coriander, cherry tomato, pepper, lemon juice, red kidney beans, sweet corn, taco bread, yellow pepper and green pepper with salsa sauce.

    Calories: 284 protein: 21.75g carbs: 32g fat: 5.33g fiber: 6.3g.

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