Main Course

Showing 1–9 of 15 results

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    Backed Potato Beef

    Rated 0 out of 5
    47.48 AED

    Cal: 489 carb: 65 protein: 26 fat:19 fiber: 6.21
    Potatoes stuffed with meat with tomato sauce served with 100 grams of rice

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    Beef Ribeye

    Rated 0 out of 5
    53.00 AED

    Grilled ribeye served with mushroom, garlic sauce and 50 grams of mashed potatoes
    Cal: 375 carb:17 protein: 33 fat:17.7 fiber:5.3

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    Chicken Biriyani

    Rated 0 out of 5
    40.00 AED

    Rice 150 grams served with 150 grams of chicken with parsley and tomato sauce

    Calories :426 protein:25g carbs:33g fat:20g fiber:6.3g

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    Chicken Curry

    Rated 0 out of 5
    44.27 AED

    Rice 150 grams – with curry chicken (curry – coconut oil – tomato sauce – turmeric – cooking cream – cinnamon – cumin)
    Calories :422 protein:48g carbs:33g fat:10.5g fiber:1.2g.

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    Chicken Fajita

    Rated 0 out of 5
    45.00 AED

    Chicken pieces with pepper, special BBQ and special oyster
    Calories: 274 carb: 23.8 Protein: 29.3 fats: 14 Fiber: 1.3

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    Chicken Mushroom Pie

    Rated 0 out of 5
    43.00 AED

    Minced chicken cooked with vegetables served with roasted mashed potato and mozzarella cheese.

    Calories: 429 protein: 36.3g carbs:29.3g fat: 6.6g fiber: 3.1g

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    Chicken Peri Peri

    Rated 0 out of 5
    42.00 AED

    Cal: 384 carb: 23.2 protein:29.3 fat:12.7 fiber: 3.1

  • Main Course

    Chicken Risotto

    Rated 0 out of 5
    45.00 AED

    Grilled chicken 150 grams served with risotto, mushroom and white pepper cooking cream
    Cal: 532 carb: 53 protein: 21 fat:9.5 fiber:2.9

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    Chicken Stuffed Vegetables

    Rated 0 out of 5
    41.00 AED

    Chicken stuffed with vegetables (peppers, zucchini, eggplant) with chili sauce – served with 50 grams of potatoes
    Calories :361 protein:38.1g carbs:32g fat:6.6g fiber:2.9g.

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